Spring in to a New Skincare Routine  

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Spring has arrived, and with it a renewed energy to throw off the heaviness of winter and throw on something a bit more fabulous. As you turn your attention to new projects and spring cleaning, let’s not forget one of the most important areas that can always use a seasonal refreshing: your skincare routine.

There’s a saying that summer bodies are made in spring and I believe that motto can apply to your skin too. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s purge, cleanse and prepare your skin to bloom all summer long! Here’s my in-depth guide to spring cleaning your skin.  

Tips for Skincare Spring Cleaning  


Throw Away Expired Products – Before bringing anymore new product home, it’s time to evaluate everything in your medicine cabinet, on your counter and under your sink! Once you have your full inventory in front of you, you’re ready to dive in.

Start by throwing away any products that are past their expiration date. If they’ve been opened longer than the Period after Opening as marked on the packaging, it’s time to be like Elsa and let it go

If you’re not sure if your product is expired, check for any changes in color or odd smells that may indicate the product is past it’s ideal state. Additionally, ask yourself why are you saving this product? Do you have any immediate use for it? When was the last time you used it? If you can’t find a good use for it, let it go. 


Clean Your Make-Up Brushes – Now that you’ve rid yourself of all your expired skincare and make-up products, it’s time to get a few things cleaned up. Namely, your make-up brushes. If you can’t remember the last time that you cleaned your make-up brushes, then it’s time to give them a good cleaning.

When left unclean, your make-up brushes are a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria that can further clog the pores. To cleanse, use warm water and anti-bacterial soap then let dry naturally before putting back in your makeup bag.  



 Switch to a Lighter Moisturizer – Different seasons bring different needs to your skin. Unlike winter when the air is dry, Spring brings moisture back into the atmosphere which means you won’t need a heavy-duty moisturizer to compensate for the lack of moisture in the air.  

 Add Vitamin C to Daily AM Routine – Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with numerous healing properties. Among the most popular is Vitamin C’s ability to defend against free radical damage. Free radicals such as sun exposure, UV damage and pollution can be detrimental to your skin. With increased sun exposure in your near future, consider adding Vitamin C underneath your sunscreen to help guard against harmful UV rays and sun exposure in warmer months. 

Restock on SPF – Speaking of harmful UV rays, you definitely need to restock on your SPF before your next day spent outdoors. While you should be wearing sunscreen year-round, it’s important to check the expiration dates of your SPF and increase to a higher SPF as we head into the summer months. 

BBT’s Favorite Spring Treatments 

Spring Clean Your Pores with a VI Peel – Say goodbye to dead, dry winter skin and hello to a fresh glow! A VI Peel is a great way to refresh your skin. This gentle, yet powerful medical-grade peel targets acne, inflammation, pigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles. Enjoy radiant, younger looking skin in about a week. 

Dermaplane Your Winter Coat with an Oil planing Facial – This is a quick, instant glow up for your skin! Dermaplaning removes the layer of dead skin build up and peach fuzz to bring out your skin’s natural glow. We add a nourishing hydrating oil on the skin for an effortless glide that will have you saying goodbye to winter and hello to spring!

Reset Your Skin with a DMK Enzyme Therapy Treatment – Have you ever wished you could hit the reset button on your skin? This world renowned, signature skin revision treatment is designed to rapidly restore the health and natural function of your skin enabling it to perform just as it did when it was younger. 


Commit to Your Skin this Spring

Good skin doesn’t happen by chance. While seasonal changes can affect the overall appearance of your skin, a commitment to keeping up with an in-home regiment and regular professional treatments is necessary for lasting results. If you’re ready to make a commitment to your skin, it’s never too early or too late to start.