How long will it take to get my brows done? – You will need two sessions to complete treatment. The first session lasts an hour and a half, and the second session lasts one hour.

Does microblading hurt? – It can be a little uncomfortable, however a numbing agent is applied before treatment begins to eliminate discomfort. Please note: you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle and caffeine counteracts the numbing.

I just got Botox, can I get my eyebrows microbladed? –  If you get Botox, it needs to be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after treatment is done. If you do not regularly receive injectables, botox and filler on the forehead, temple and eye area should be avoided 2 months prior to procedure. 

Can I take aspirin/blood thinners before my appointment? – Stop taking any aspirin or blood thinners 48-72 hours before your appointment. This includes Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, and Advil/Ibuprofen. 

Can I drink before my appointment? – NO! Do not drink alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before treatment.

Is it ok if I’m using Retin a/Retional products? – Do not use any products containing Retin a/Retinol for 4-6 weeks prior to procedure. Also discontinue chemical and laser peels, microdermabrasion, Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and any chemical exfoliant or "brightening" skincare at least 6 weeks prior to procedure. Once brows have healed, avoid application near brows after treatment as it can cause fading.

Can I work out after? – ABSOLUTELY NO SWEATING! No working out for first 10 days. Raising your heart rate causes sweat and heat to push through the pores and pushes the pigment out of your skin.

Can I go tanning after? – Do not stay in direct sunlight or go to a tanning bed, this will affect the coloring of the pigment in the strokes of your new brows. Once brows are healed, always apply sunscreen (SPF 50+) on brow area to protect from sun damage. 

Disclaimer: Beauty by Tifini holds the right to deny service to clients who have the following conditions. If you have the following conditions please contact us immediately before scheduling to ensure you are a candidate.

Conditions Include: 

  • Tendency towards Keloids or Scarring

  • Seborrheic Dermatitis

  • Skin Irritations or Psoriasis near the Treated Area

  • Used Accutane in the Past Year

  • Allergic to Anesthetic (Lidocaine)

  • Extremely Oily or Problematic Skin

  • Pregnant or Nursing

  • Diabetic

  • Viral Infections and/or Diseases

  • Epilepsy

  • A Pacemaker or Major Heart Problems

  • Had an Organ Transplant


Diagnosed conditions that are waived are required to bring a doctor's note stating their approval. 


After care is the most important part of the whole service! Since the pigment isn’t embedded deeply into your skin, there are many factors that try to push the pigment back to the surface. Water, sweat and steam are all major culprits that can hurt your healing process. Be sure to follow these care instructions closely to ensure maximum results! 

+ Wipe brows with cool water wipe every 30 minutes for 3 hours post-procedure 

+ Wash brows twice a day (morning & night) with antibacterial soap provided in healing kit for 7-10 days

+ Apply a thin layer of healing cream morning and night, unless otherwise directed 

+ Do not pick, scratch or sleep on your brows for the first 10 days 

+ No Sweating for first 10 days after procedure! 

+ Do not use any other creams, cleansers or makeup over your brows during the first 3-4 weeks

+ Avoid using chemical skin exfoliants on the brows and forehead area. Use of these products will cause premature fading and discoloration. This includes: Glycolic Acid, Hydroquinone, Retinol, Rein A, Vitamin C, chemical and brightening peels. 

To maintain removal of unwanted brow hair outside of your micro bladed brow design, tweeze, thread or wax away once healed. Microblading normally requires a color boost every year to year and a half! years depending on your lifestyle, skin type and aftercare, but yearly touch-ups are recommended to maintain your results.